Visor inteligente de punto rojo LICOS
LICOS Smart Red Dot Sight built-in a mini Laser Rangefinder reaching more than 900 yardas/800 metros distancias de alcance. Es la solución de mira ideal para rifles MSR., escopetas, PCC, y metralletas. Pasó la prueba de retroceso de 1000G.
Pantalla LCD HD roja/negra
La pantalla del telémetro tiene función de reconocimiento automático de luz.: El color de la pantalla HD-LCD rojo/negro cambia automáticamente según las condiciones ambientales., rojo en la oscuridad, negro en brillante.
Nueva tecnología de telémetro
One of our most significant technological breakthroughs is the integration of a mini laser rangefinding module into conventional scopes/sights. Desde 2017, we've dedicated significant R&D efforts to this technology to the rangefinding industry, revolutionizing the industry by eliminating the need for externally mounting bulky rangefinders to scopes or sights.
Solución balística
We've developed our own ballistics application-AB Synapse-BOSS, in collaboration with Applied Ballistics Inc in Michigan/USA, this custom app is designed exclusively for Henrich Technology's sports optics products. It allows users to customize their ballistics profiles for greater precision in their loadouts and provides full access to the Applied Ballistics bullet library.