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How does Henrich Technology’s Applied Ballistics Rangefinder works?

Our Applied Ballistics Rangefinder comes standard with AB 超軽量 or AB スポーツマン providing ballistic solution out of the box to 875 ヤードまたは 1500 ヤード.Our rangefinders are equipped with an Applied Ballistics Calculator allowing users to customized their gun and bullet types, as well as adjusting for factors like temperature, 湿度, と空気圧. Users can even connect an anemometer via Bluetooth for added precision.Simply select the appropriate ballistic charateristics, zero the rifles. The AB シナプス-BOSS appllication offers supporting for ballistic distance up to 875 ヤードまたは 1500 ヤード with zoom capabilities for accurated power settings.

検索 ” henrich bosson Google Play また Apple Store to download the free AB Synapse-BOSS app for your smart phone of iOS or Android.

Set up the rangefinder using AB Synapse-BOSS app to save your preferred ballistic profiles.

Connect the rangefidner to the AB Synapse-BOSS app, Bluetooth 接続を確立するだけです.

Thansfter your settings and personal ballistic profiles to your rangefinder.

Use the Applied Ballistics software of 超軽量 また スポーツマン integrating in your rangefinder for precise measurements. It consider factors such as range, 水平範囲, 温度, 空気圧, と角度により高精度の結果が得られます.





