Henrich Technology Co.,Ltd este un profesionist și un producător de optică sportivă în creștere rapidă în Beijing, China, we’ve been in this industry more than 10 ani, tehnologia noastră este de la Universitatea Tshinghua, a very famous university in Beijing China.
Avem două tehnologii de bază importante: unul esteSoluție balistică, another one is New Rangfinding Technology which means Built-in a mini rangefinding module to each ordinary scope/sight, these two core technologies are gaining more and more recognition by the customers worldwide.
Tehnologia Henrich is the shorter name of our company.
www.henricht.com is the initial website created in 2014 când a fost fondată compania noastră.
www.henrichtechnology.com & www.henricht.com are our company’s websites,
the other webiste does not belong to our company, avem un singur Henrich Technology Co.,Ltd.
All of our items belong to high quality sports optics products, we have full control over the entire process, de la proiectare la producție până la asigurarea calității.
Produsele noastre includLICOS Smart Red Dot Sight, Telemetru balistic, Telemetru de vânătoare, Telemetru de golf și modul LIMA LRF, și unele proiecte ODM ale calculatoarelor balistice și telemetrului inteligent, care sunt acum în faza de testare a probelor.
Avem propriul nostru R&D professional team, și au mai mult decât 120 angajați și a 2500 centru de producție de mp situat în districtul Fangshan, Beijing, China.
Fondată în 2014 de domnul Will Zhow, care are peste 20 ani de experiență profesională în producția de optice sportive, he used his professional sports optics knowledge and with his management experience (are o diplomă de MBA de la UIBE) a format un R profesionist și inovator&D team and developed some great sports optics such as Red Dot Sight Built-in Rangefinder (LICOS series) and Laser Rangefinder Module(LIMA series) projects which well recognized and being very popular by our customers worldwide. Aceste produse sunt poziționate în topul pieței, some of them have been completed patents both in China and U.S., some new patents are applying both in China and U.S. currently. We still keep developing new products per year, and we believe some our new products will be the new trends for shooting and hunting markets.
Why work with Henrich Technology Co.,Ltd?
We value Authenticity, Etică profesională, Mutual-Trust & Fairness
Henrich Technology values authenticity, professional ethics, mutual-trust and fairness in everything we do, we work with you ethically and skillfully, these are the foundation for all business cooperation.
Customers First
We care about our customers and their experience with our products, we aim to provide the customer with more than just a product. We are committed to looking after our customers and ensure that we go the extra mile to provide exceptional customer service.
We shall provide you excellent service and support if you receive your order that were damaged in shipping or has quality problems, or if you realize you ordered the wrong models, we’ll immediately replace it or return it at our expense
Products Warranty
We provide you 6-month full replacement, 2-year warrany, lifetime maintenance for all our products.
High Quality
With over 10 years experience in sports optics industry, we design, R&D and produce such LIMA and LICOS series sports optics products to ensure the highest quality products for our customers, and depending on our two core technologies(Soluție balistică, Noua tehnologie de stabilire a distanței) to produce high quality and high technology content products.We got CE, RoHS, FCC, FDA for all current items.
We do whatever it takes to deliver timely, affordable sports optics products.
ODM and OEM Expert
We offering you a one stop solution for your sports optics projects from designs(including your custom designs and our ready designs) to production and shipment.
Our Strengths
Based on the innovative concepts and with our two core technologies, Henrich Technology researched and developed HuntingRangefinder, Golf Rangefinder,Telemetru balistic, Smart Red Dot Sight built-in Rangefinder and LRF Module. Now we’re doing ODM projects of Ballistic Computer and Smart Riflescope with Built-in a Rangefinder for some customers, all ballistic technology supported by Applied Ballistics, we are a licensee of Applied Ballistics Inc, we can provide you the most advanced ballistic calculation solution for your ballistic projects.
Will Zhow
Founder&CEO al Henrich Technology Co.,Ltd
Bin Chen
Development Manager of Henrich Technology Co.,Ltd
Soare însorit
Director general de vânzări al Henrich Technology Co.,Ltd
Wan Jun Zhow
Product Manager of Henrich Technology Co.,Ltd
Cong Sha
Chief Technology Officer of Henrich Technology Co.,Ltd
Liang Li
Product Manager of Henrich Technology Co.,Ltd
Jia Wen Tu
Chief Designer of Henrich Technology Co.,Ltd
Thomas Kang
Vice President of Henrich Technology Co.,Ltd