As a High-Tech company, Технология Хенриха основана на двух основных технологиях:
1.Баллистическое решение: We have developed our own ballistics application-АБ Синапс-БОСС, В сотрудничестве с Applied Ballistics Inc в Мичигане/США.. This custom app is designed exclusively for Henrich Technology’s sports optics instruments. It allows users to customize their ballistics profiles for enhanced precision in their loadouts, and provides full access to the Applied Ballistics bullet library. Our sports optics products seamlessly intigateApplied Ballistics Calculator-Ultralight or Sportsman, incorporating critical ballistics parameters such as air pressure, скорость ветра, температура, humidity and other factors that influence bullt trajectory. These inputs generate a precise bullet trajectory curve which is displayed digitally on the viewing screen. This ballistics solution offers shooters and hunters a comprehesive, customizable tool that delivers real-time, accurate ballistics data, significantly improving accuracy and performance in the field.
2. AdvancedТехнология дальномера: One of our most groundbreaking achivements is the integration of a mini laser rangefinding module into conventional scopes and sights. С 2017, we have dedicated significant R&D efforts to bring this technology to the rangefinding industry, revolutionizing the traditional approach of externally mounting bulky rangefinders to scopes or sights. This innovation ensures one-shot accuracy for both shooting and hunting applications, setting a new standard in rangefinding industry. A prime example of this technology isУмный коллиматорный прицел Licos which incorporates the miniatured rangefinding module provide users with precise distance and angle measurements.
Since its market debut in 2021, тотУмный коллиматорный прицел Licos has gained widespread recognition and popularity among customers. Even today, it remains a poineering product in the industry and continues to rank among the top-tier sports optics solutions worldwide.
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